Z. Zhao, P. Xu, C. Scheidegger, L. Ren. Human-in-the-loop Extraction of Interpretable Concepts in Deep Learning Models. IEEE TVCG, to appear (Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2021). PDF HTML
S. Devkota, P. Aschwanden, A. Kunen, M. Legendre, and K. E. Isaacs. CcNav: Understanding Compiler Optimizations in Binary Code. IEEE TVCG, to appear (Proceedings of IEEE VAST 2020).
A. Bigelow, K. Williams, and K. E. Isaacs. Guidelines for Pursuing and Revealing Latent Data Abstractions. IEEE TVCG, to appear (Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2020).
L. Battle, C. Scheidegger. A Structured Review of Data Management Technology for Interactive Visualization and Analysis. IEEE TVCG, to appear (Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2020).
I. Elizabeth Kumar, S. Venkatasubramanian, C. Scheidegger, S. Friedler Problems with Shapley-value-based explanations as feature importance measures. International Conference on Machine Learning, 2020. PDF HTML
Steven R Brandt, A. Bigelow, Sayef Azad Sakin, K. Williams, K. E. Isaacs, Kevin A Huck, Rod Tohid, Bibek Wagle, Shahrzad Shirzad, Hartmut Kaiser. JetLag: An Interactive, Asynchronous Array Computing Environment. To appear In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, pp. 8–12. 2020.
K. Jiang, and
M. Berger, and
J. A. Levine. Visualization of Unsteady Flow Using Heat Kernel Signatures. Proceedings of Pacific Vis, 2020. PDF
Ashley Suh, Mustafa Hajij, Bei Wang, Carlos Scheidegger, Paul Rosen. Persistent Homology Guided Force-Directed Graph Layouts. IEEE TVCG, 26(1):697–706, 2020 (Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2019).
K. Williams, A. Bigelow, and K. E. Isaacs. Visualizing a Moving Target: A Design Study on Task Parallel Programs in the Presence of Evolving Data and Concerns. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of InfoVis 2019).
A. Bigelow, C. Nobre, M. Meyer and A. Lex. Origraph: Interactive Network Wrangling. To appear at IEEE VAST 2019.
A. Jallepalli,
J. A. Levine,
R. M. Kirby.
The Effect of Data Transformations on Scalar Field Topological Analysis of High-Order FEM Solutions.
To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SciVis 2019).
Benjamin Fish, Ashkan Bashardoust, danah boyd, Sorelle Friedler, Carlos Scheidegger, Suresh Venkatasubramanian. Gaps in Information Access in Social Networks. The World Wide Web Conference (now called The WebConf), 480–490, 2019.
Mohsen Abbasi, Sorelle Friedler, Carlos Scheidegger, Suresh Venkatasubramanian. Fairness in representation: quantifying stereotyping as a representational harm. Proceedings of the 2019 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 801–809, 2019.
Sorelle A. Friedler, Carlos Scheidegger, Suresh Venkatasubramanian, Sonam Choudhary, Evan P. Hamilton, Derek Roth. A Comparative Study of Fairness-Enhancing Interventions in Machine Learning. ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2019.
S. Devkota,
A. R. Ahmed,
F. De. Luca,
K. E. Isaacs,
S. Kobourov.
Stress-Plus-X (SPX) Graph Layout.
Proceedings of 27th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD), 2019.
F. De Luca,
Md. I. Hossain,
S. Kobourov,
A. Lubiw,
D. Mondal.
Recognition and drawing of stick graphs.
Journal on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 2019.
M. A. Bekos,
F. De Luca,
W. Didimo,
T. Mchedlidze,
M. Nöllenburg,
A. Symvonis,
I. Tollis.
Planar drawings of fixed-mobile bigraphs.
Journal on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 2019.
F. De Luca,
Md. I. Hossain,
S. Kobourov.
Symmetry Detection and Classification in Drawings of Graphs.
Proceedings of 27th Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD), 2019.
K. E. Isaacs and T. Gamblin. Preserving Command Line Workflow for a Package Management System using ASCII DAG Visualization. IEEE Transactions in Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 25, Issue 9, September 2019.
J. Crum,
J. A. Levine, and
A. Gillette.
Extending discrete exterior calculus to a fractional derivative.
Computer-Aided Design (Special Issue of Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling).
B. Lee, K. E. Isaacs, D. A. Szafir, G. E. Marai, C. Turkay, M. Tory, S. Carpendale, and A. Endert. Broadening Intellectual Diversity in Visualization Research Papers. Computer Graphics & Applications, Visualization Viewpoints, July 2019.
M. Berger,
J. Li, and
J. A. Levine.
A Generative Model for Volume Rendering.
IEEE TVCG 25(4), April 2019.
M. Correll, M. Li, G. Kindlmann, C. Scheidegger. Looks Good to Me: Visualizations as Sanity Checks. To appear in IEEE Transactions in Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of InfoVis 2018).
R. Faust, D. Glickenstein, C. Scheidegger. DimReader: Axis lines that explain non-linear projections. To appear in IEEE Transactions in Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of InfoVis 2018).
Mustafa Hajij, Bei Wang, Carlos Scheidegger, Paul Rosen. Visual Detection of Structural Changes in Time-Varying Graphs Using Persistent Homology. Proceedings of Pacific Vis, 2018. PDF
Lin Yan, Yaodong Zhao, Paul Rosen, Carlos Scheidegger, Bei Wang. Homology-Preserving Dimensionality Reduction via Manifold Landmarking and Tearing. Proceedings of Visual Data Science, 2018. PDF
Jon Stephens, Babak Yadegari, Christian Collberg, Saumya Debray, Carlos Scheidegger
Probabilistic Obfuscation Through Covert Channels. Proceedings of IEEE S&P, 2018. PDF
F. De Luca,
S. Kobourov,
H. Purchase.
Perception of Symmetries in Drawings of Graphs.
Proceedings of 26th Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD), 2018.
M. Berger,
A. Nagesh,
J. A. Levine,
M. Surdeanu,
H. Zhang.
Visual Supervision in Bootstrapped Information Extraction.
Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2018).
R. Tohid, Bibek Wagle, Shahrzad Shirzad, Patrick Diehl, Adrian Serio, Alireza Kheirkhahan, Parsa Amini, Katy Williams, Kate Isaacs, Kevin Huck, Steven Brandt, and Hartmut Kaiser. Asynchronous Execution of Python Code on Task-Based Runtime Systems. Proceedings of the Fourth International IEEE Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware, November 2018.
S. Devkota and K. E. Isaacs. CFGExplorer: Designing a Visual Control Flow Analytics System around Basic Program Analysis Operations. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EuroVis). July 2018.
R. Burd, K. Espy, I. Hossain, S. Kobourov, N. Merchant, H. Purchase,
GRAM: Global Research Activity Map. 12th International Conference on
Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI), 2018.
U. Soni, Y. Lu, B. Hansen, H. Purchase, S. Kobourov, R. Maciejewski,
The Perception of Graph Properties in Graph Layouts. Computer
Graphics Forum, 2018. (A preliminary version appeared in the 20th IEEE
Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EUROVIS), 2018.)
Reyan Ahmed, Patrizio Angelini, Faryad Darabi Sahneh, Alon Efrat, David Glickenstein, Martin Gronemann, Niklas Heinsohn, Stephen G. Kobourov, Richard Spence, Joseph Watkins, and Alexander Wolff. Multi-level steiner trees. arXiv:1804.02627 (Accepted in 17th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA) 2018. )
Helen Purchase, Katherine Isaacs, Thomas Bueti, Ben Hastings, Aadam Kassan, Allen Kim, and Steffan van Hoesen. A Classification of Infographics. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams, June 2018.
Danielle Ensign, Sorelle A. Friedler, Scott Neville, Carlos E. Scheidegger, Suresh Venkatasubramanian. Runaway Feedback Loops in Predictive Policing. Published at FAT* 2018.
S. Nusrat, J. Alam, S. Kobourov. Evaluating Cartogram Effectivenesss. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume: 24, Issue: 2, 2018. PDF
Ahmed A.R., Rahman M.S., S. Kobourov. (2018) Online Facility Assignment. In: Rahman M., Sung WK., Uehara R. (eds) WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation. WALCOM 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10755. Springer, Cham.
J. Tierny,
G. Favelier,
J. A. Levine,
C. Gueunet, and
M. Michaux.
The Topology ToolKit.
IEEE TVCG (Proceedings of SciVis 2017) 24(1), January 2018.
Michelle Mills Strout, Saumya Debray, Katherine E. Isaacs, Barbara Kreaseck, Julio Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Bonnie Hurwitz, Kat Volk, Sam Badger, Jesse Bartels, Ian Bertolacci, Sabin Devkota, Anthony Encinas, Ben Gaska, Brandon Neth, Theodore Sackos, Jon Stephens, Sarah Willer, and Babek Yadergari. Language-Agnostic Optimization and Parallelization for Interpreted Languages. In Proceedings of the 30th Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), October 2017.
M. Berger and
J. A. Levine.
Visualizing Time-Varying Particle Flows with Diffusion Geometry.
Asher Haug-Baltzell, Sean A. Stephens, Sean Davey, Carlos E. Scheidegger, Eric Lyons. SynMap2 and SynMap3D: web-based whole-genome synteny browsers. Published at Bioinformatics, Volume 33, Issue 14, 15 July 2017.
Matthew Berger, Katherine McDonough and Lee M. Seversky. cite2vec: Citation-Driven Document Exploration via Word Embeddings. Presented at InfoVis 2016, published at IEEE TVCG 23(1), 691-700.
P. Kindermann, S. Kobourov, M. Loeffler, M. Noellenburg, A. Schulz and
B. Vogtenhuber. Lombardi Drawings of Knots and Links. 25th Symposium
on Graph Drawing (GD), 2017.
P. Simonetto, D. Archambault and S. Kobourov. Drawing Dynamic Graphs
Without Timeslices. 25th Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD), 2017.
M. Okoe, R. Jianu and S. Kobourov. Revisited Experimental Comparison
of Node-Link and Matrix Representations. 25th Symposium on Graph
Drawing (GD), 2017. Best paper award.
P. Angelini, S. Chaplick, F. De Luca, J. Fiala, J. Hancl, N. Heinsohn,
M. Kaufmann, S. Kobourov, J. Kratochvil and P. Valtr. On Vertex- and
Empty-Ply Proximity Drawings. 25th Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD),
2017. PDF
H. Kruiger, P. Rauber, R. Martins, A. Kerren, S. Kobourov, and A. Telea. Graph Layouts by t-SNE. Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 36, no. 3, 2017. (A preliminary version appeared in the 19th IEEE Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EUROVIS), 2017.) PDF
E. Welch and S. Kobourov. Measuring Symmetry in Drawings of Graphs. Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 36, no. 3, 2017. (A preliminary version appeared in the 19th IEEE Eurographics Conference on Visualization(EUROVIS), 2017.) PDF
Marianne Procopio, Carlos Scheidegger,
Eugene Wu, and
Remco Chang. Load-n-Go: Fast
Approximate Join Visualizations That Improve Over Time. Short paper,
presented at DSIA 2017. PDF
Sabrina Nusrat, Md. Jawaherul Alam,
Carlos Scheidegger,
Stephen Kobourov. Cartogram
Visualization for Bivariate Geo-Statistical Data. Accepted to IEEE TVCG, to appear. PDF
Yong Wang, Daniel Archambault,
Carlos Scheidegger, and Huamin Qu. A Vector
Field Design Approach to Animated Transitions. Accepted to IEEE TVCG, to appear. PDF
S. Nusrat and S. G. Kobourov. The State of the Art in Cartograms. Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 35 Issue 3, June 2016
Pages 619-642 2016. (A preliminary version appeared in the 18th IEEE
Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EUROVIS), 2017) PDF
P. Angelini, M. Bekos, T. Bruckdorfer, J. Hancl, M. Kaufmann, S.
Kobourov, J. Kratochvil, A. Symvonis, and P. Valtr. Low Ply Drawings
of Trees. 24th Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization
(GD), p. 236-248, 2016.
Philip Adler, Casey Falk,
Sorelle A. Friedler, Gabriel Rybeck,
Carlos Scheidegger, Brandon Smith, and
Suresh Venkatasubramanian. Auditing
Black-Box Models for Indirect Influence. IEEE ICDM 2016. PDF
Zhe Wang, Nivan Ferreira, Youhao Wei, Aarthy
Bhaskar, Carlos Scheidegger. Gaussian Cubes:
Real-Time Modeling for Visual Exploration of Large Multidimensional
Datasets. Presented at InfoVis 2016, published at IEEE TVCG
23(1)681-690, 2017. PDF
Cicero Pahins, Sean S. Stephens,
Carlos Scheidegger,
Joao Comba. Hashedcubes: Simple,
Low Memory, Real-Time Visual Exploration of Big Data. Presented at
InfoVis 2016, published at IEEE TVCG 23(1)671-680, 2017.
Bahador Saket, Carlos Scheidegger, and Stephen G. Kobourov. Comparing Node-Link and Node-Link-Group Visualizations From An Enjoyment Perspective. EuroVis 2016. PDF
Paolo Simonetto, Daniel Archambault, Carlos Scheidegger. A Simple
Approach for Boundary Improvement of Euler Diagrams. presented at InfoVis 2015, published at IEEE TVCG 22(1)678–687, 2016. PDF
Gordon Woodhull, Simon Urbanek, Stephen North, Carlos
Scheidegger. Collaborative Visual Analysis on the Web with
RCloud. IEEE VAST 2015. PDF
Michael Feldman, Sorelle Friedler, John Moeller, Carlos Scheidegger,
Suresh Venkatasubramanian. Certifying and Removing Disparate
Impact. ACM KDD 2015. PDF, arxiv
Bahador Saket, Carlos Scheidegger, and Stephen G. Kobourov. Towards
Understanding Enjoyment and Flow in Information Visualization. EuroVis
2015 (short paper). PDF
Bahador Saket, Carlos Scheidegger, Stephen G. Kobourov, and Katy
Börner. Map-based Visualizations Increase Recall Accuracy of
Data. Eurovis 2015.
supplemental material,
Gordon Kindlmann and
Carlos Scheidegger. An Algebraic Process for
Visualization Design. TVCG 2014, honorable
mention for best paper award at InfoVis 2014. PDF